calvin and habs

The N*zi Tattoo

German visits German Restaurant in the U.S.

German teaches American about Winter Food Tradition

American learns about ACs in Germany

German learns about U.S. Heartburn Commercials

Germans Grocery Shopping in the U.S.

German teaches American about Fries with Mayo

How the Olympics invited Australia for breakdancing

Austrian Punishment for Bad Bread: Bäckerschupfen

German Drinking Game

German Anger

German learns Americans use 'Garlic' Aioli

Countries share their Grandparent’s War Stories: Part 2

The Great German Bake Off

How Americans think European Tourists Dress vs. How They Actually Dress

German Children's Stories: Struwwelpeter

Browsing Online for Homes You Can't Afford

Austrian Art

Calvin & Habs TOP German vs. American Compilation (TikTok & YouTube) | Part 1

Germans watching other countries in the EURO Cup

Late to meet German Friend

Calvin & Habs TOP German vs. American Compilation (TikTok & YouTube) | Part 2

German learns about Brat Summer

American Bar in Germany